Expert interview - International Search

In today’s interconnected world it’s not unusual to meet colleagues of different nationalities in the workplace. Because of the tight labour market, companies increasingly seek new employees beyond their national borders. With the division Seven Seas Executive & International Talent Search Search & Selection focuses on campaigns that reach far beyond the Belgian or Western European labour market. An international search campaign, however, comes with a number of unique challenges and pitfalls. Marc Van Beethoven, Senior HR consultant and international search specialist at Search & Selection, explains.

Why do companies look abroad to search for new employees?

Companies may opt for international search for a number of reasons, and each of those come with their own approach and challenges. When dealing with profiles that are hard to find locally, we search across borders to source candidates in a specific cluster of target countries. Additionally, remote work has made it easier for companies to attract international employees. Recruiting from a larger talent pool often results in a higher success rate for our campaigns._L2A9292_LR.jpg

Companies with international activities regularly require talented expats or professionals with knowledge and experience in a specific region. In some cases, these enterprises want to open a new plant abroad. Our job is to look for the suitable local profiles or managers who are willing and qualified to develop part of their career abroad. Our expertise in a wide array of often difficult and sometimes volatile regions makes the difference here. Local cultural sensitivities and living conditions sometimes translate into very specific profile requirements and therefore customised solutions for recruitment and selection.

We are also regularly engaged to recruit and select Sales & Business Development Managers on location within very specific regions in e.g. Europe, Africa and the Middle East for, among others, Belgian export companies looking to pioneer and grow abroad. Our boots-on-the-ground experience in sourcing within the strongest and most valuable EMEA talent hubs makes all the difference for clients looking to open up and develop new local markets.

How do you start an international search assignment?

The first crucial step is knowing which channels to use, which is of course a learning process. Not only through market research but also by interacting with managers and specialists on location, we gain a better understanding of local recruitment platforms, networks and communities. That's the kind of knowledge you can only gain through experience.

So why do these companies choose to partner with a Belgian recruitment agency, rather than a local one?

Companies want transparent and result-oriented procedures with a trusted partner acting as a single point of contact. From our home base, we provide centralised coordination and monitoring of local recruiters, partners and channels. In this way, we remain the single point of contact for our customers and avoid communication breakdowns or errors. These short communication channels and simplified procedures ensure a better chance of success.

In addition, we usually go on-site to interview and evaluate pre-selected candidates. These face-to-face interviews are the end result of a meticulous and thorough screening process based on elaborate questionnaires and exploratory online meetings. This ensures that we will only meet the most suitable and genuinely interested candidates. We are convinced that a truly in-depth and qualitative assessment is only possible during a face-to-face interview. Through well-prepared and meaningful on-site interviews, we also strengthen the bond and mutual understanding with the applicant. More than often, we notice how sincere appreciation for the consultant's commitment makes a real difference in today’s highly competitive job market. Candidates simply place their trust more easily in a recruiter who is willing to invest time and effort in an in-person meeting.

How do you practically manage such an international search assignment?

Before you go on location, a lot of scheduling and preparation has actually already taken place. It is a complex planning exercise: you have to plan your trip, stay in constant dialogue with your candidates and with the client, coordinate agendas, work out presentations and candidate briefings, etc. Sloppiness or rushing things are out of the question and it often takes several months to complete a full procedure.logoSS

On a practical level, we have connections with several coworking facilities and meeting rooms in numerous talent centres across the globe.

What makes Search & Selection a one-of-a-kind player in the Belgian market when it comes to international search?

We are quite unique in Belgium, especially in our combination of centralised coordination and decentralised, on-the-ground execution. Our clients can depend on the fact that their employer brand remains consistent and that we can guide and support them professionally from A to Z in attracting and onboarding talent, anywhere in the world. Throughout this whole process, Search & Selection will always be in the driver’s seat.

International Talent Search will remain an integral part of the HR landscape in the coming years. With our expert division Seven Seas Executive & International Talent Search, we continue to invest in order to stay in pole position today and tomorrow.

Contact Marc Van Beethoven at +32 3 248 29 40 or
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